Please phone the practice on 08 8445 2618 if you have any COVID-19 symptoms

Fees and Appointments
Fees and Payments:
Woodville Family Medical is a mixed-billing practice.
Bulk Billing is available for Pensioners, Health Care Card holders, children under 16 and Veterans’ Affairs card holders.
Medicare cards and concession cards must be presented when requested.
Making Payments
Payment is required on the day of the consultation and can be made by cash, EFTPOS or Credit Card (excluding American Express and Diners cards).
All workers compensation and motor vehicle accident patients are required to pay their accounts at the time of consultation until a letter of acceptance is produced from their insurance company.
Appointments are usually booked at 15 minute intervals.
When making your appointment, please advise the receptionist if you feel that you require a longer appointment so that an appropriate consultation time can be arranged. Longer consultations are also available should you require them for specific treatments/procedures. Please advise reception if you believe you require an urgent appointment.
Failure to notify cancellation of an appointment, with less than 24 hours' notice, will result in a fee being charged.
All new patients are requested to phone the surgery to make appointments
All new patients will be privately billed for their first appointment
Telehealth appointments are available if you have Covid ,
Walk Ins:
This medical centre is an appointment based surgery, therefore walk-ins appointments will only be seen if there is availability.
Waiting Times:
At times you may experience a waiting period due to GPs attending to urgent or complex medical issues. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
After Hours:
For appointments out of hours, please call the surgery on 84452618 as our phones are diverted to the Home Doctor Service.
Alternatively contact them directly on 137 425.
Home Visits :
Home are available to our regular patients within a 5 klm radius of the practice. Visits to N/Homes can also be arranged.
Please call the surgery 84452618 to arrange.
Please call Triple Zero (000) or go to your nearest public or private hospital.
The closest hospitals to Woodville Medical Practice are:
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Woodville Road, Woodville
Phone 8222 6000
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Port Road, Adelaide
Phone 7074 0000
Calvary Wakefield Emergency Department:
Angus St, Adelaide
Phone 8227 7077
(Charges will apply)
Translator Services:
Telephone translation 131 450
Auslan interpreter 1300 287 526